Toddler To Be Put Down After Biting Pit Bull

Toddler To Be Put Down After Biting Pit Bull

MADERA, CA—A California judge has ruled for a child to be put down after the toddler viciously attacked an innocent Pit Bull earlier this week in the small town. The mother of the canine was having a conversation with a friend at a Home Depot when the savage beast grabbed the pup's tail and sunk his teeth into it.

This is the third such incident this year where the menacing tyke has assaulted a defenseless hound. Most in the neighborhood are clamoring for the child to be chained and locked in a cage—or at the very least muzzled—while others are taking it a step further.

“Violence is inherent in their nature. No one should be able to own one. I want that baby gone and off our streets," says neighbor Daniel Grant, who has three Pit Bulls and is fearful of their health and safety.

UNICEF has released a statement defending the child.

“We are for toddler protection, happiness, and treating them like humans. There is no substantial evidence that children are fundamentally dangerous and are unfortunately bred to be that way by heinous owners who often use them for perverted death matches.”

There is currently an online petition making its way around, demanding for a statewide ban on children. The toddler is currently being held in a shelter where it awaits its fate. It has been neutered in the meantime.

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