Waiter Life Of Party After Telling Story Of You Wishing Him To Enjoy His Meal Too

Waiter Life Of Party After Telling Story Of You Wishing Him To Enjoy His Meal Too

SANTA ANA, CA—At a party with a group of strangers whose opinion you inexplicably care about, waiter Devon Washington, 25, entertained party goers as he retold the story of you idiotically wishing that he enjoy his meal as well.

“So I told him ‘enjoy your meal’ and he blurts out—you're not gonna believe this—‘you too!'" Washington exclaimed as he recanted the tale of the most stupid moment of your life to the thousands of attendees at the gathering. There was a mixture of laughter and squirming from the massive crowd at how thick-headed you could possible be.

"What a moron!" uttered one anonymous guest who is more attractive than you are. "I would be embarrassed to be their friend. They should never go to a restaurant ever again. They don't belong."

Washington’s story didn’t end there—he vividly described the second hand embarrasment the other person with you that day experienced.

“You could see the humiliation on their face,” he explained, crudely imitating the stupid ass facial expression you made that day. “It was beet red. I felt sorry for them.”

Psychologists who specialize in cringe and stupid people have studied that moment since it happened and have begun documenting their game-changing discoveries as to how you could've said something like that.

"Our discvoeries have been suprising to say the least. Data suggests that the intense indignity you experience when you randomly remember your foolish mistake is also felt simulataneously by the other people who were there and watched you act like a dipshit," stated one cringe psychologist, showing photos fo the event. “They’ve also definitely told everyone at that place what just happened so you can be too humiliated to return."

Sociologists have also found that all of your friends and loved ones are one degree of separation from knowing what an absolute dumbass you are

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