Reverse Racism? This Man Wore His Klan Hood Inside Out

Reverse Racism? This Man Wore His Klan Hood Inside Out

PULASKI, TN—Rushing out of his apartment after oversleeping, local police officer Clint Rodman became the victim of a classic case of reverse racism when he accidentally wore his Klan hood inside out.

“I was up all night, driving around trying to find stray dogs I could kick or people driving two miles above the speed limit that I could pull over and threaten with seven years behind bars. So, unfortunately, I goofed and slept right through my alarm this morning,” said Rodman, recalling how he was very embarrassed earlier today when he walked into a meeting chock full of white supremacists with his hood on backward and the tag showing.


Americans talk about racism quite a bit these days but it’s times like this when we are reminded that reverse racism can be just as embarrassing.

“On top of that, I was an hour late because I stopped to give a few people parking tickets on the way there. I walked into the meeting, interrupted the Grand Wizard and everyone was looking at me. Pretty mortifying... I get stage fright real easily. Plus, not only did I have my hood on inside out, but I also had a stain at the bottom of my robe from pushing an unarmed man into the ground the other day for running a red light. God, so humiliating. I must’ve looked so sloppy to some of the incels there.”

Rodman added that he hopes that his fellow far-right friends don’t judge him too harshly for his one-time lapse in decorum and that they find a way to forgive his disgraceful, heinous act.

“Next time, no matter how late I’m up accepting bribes, planting evidence, or harassing sex workers, I’m gonna try to at least get a good six hours of sleep so that I don’t look so horrible the next day,” said Rodman.

Whatever the case, it’s important to keep talking about instances of reverse racism like this one so that we can shine a light on a taboo topic and normalize the discourse.

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