Trump Announces New Kanye-19 Virus To Steal Votes Away From Covid

Trump Announces New Kanye-19 Virus To Steal Votes Away From Covid

The Trump administration has announced its new plan this morning stating that “this new Kanye West virus will take away votes and lives from the 2020 COVID campaign”.

The new initiative comes as no surprise since Trump’s numbers have been dropping in the “American’s Who Are Alive Poll” after botching the response plan and even catching Covid-19 himself. Experts believe the administration is tired of all the bad press that Trump receives about thousands of Americans dying every day, so his taskforce believes that extracting Kanye West’s DNA and mixing it with a new strand of virus extracted from an exotic rodent will cut the voting American population in half.

In a press conference early this morning, Trump through strained breaths stated: “Kanye West is a great friend of mine... believe me. Great friend. I've heard a lot of people are interested to see what his virus is all about. Many said it's better to die from than COVID because at least you get some music with it. We'll see, but that's what I hear."

A Flexx correspondent went to Kanye’s Hollywood mansion to ask him about the new plan but was turned away when Kanye’s head started to spin around like an owl, followed by him crawling up the mansion walls speaking curses from what we believe to be a dead language. Kim Kardashian could only state: "Ye's had a tough week."

This new virus is expected to be deployed as a side with every Travis Scott meal at McDonald’s, guaranteeing customers immediately enter “Sicko Mode” upon contact. Democrats, on the other hand, are expected to block this virus and propose a new Sanders-19 virus that takes healthy white blood cells from the rich and redistribute them to the poor and working class.

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