Op-Ed: Pride Month's Over, Let's Say It: Keep Kink Out Of Pride—Ban Changing Babies' Diapers In Public

Op-Ed: Pride Month's Over, Let's Say It: Keep Kink Out Of Pride—Ban Changing Babies' Diapers In Public

NEW YORK, NY—As June sashayed away and July became that bitch, we are once again confronted with the age-old question: does kink belong at Pride? 

To many, Pride celebrations are a time when it’s really hot out and you should probably hydrate more, hunty. But to others, it’s a time for evil corporations to have really embarrassing advertisements.

“Cis-hets with kids at Pride are a flop”, says local gay. He elaborates, “I don’t care what those people do behind closed doors. I don’t even mind the tacky matching rainbow outfits from Target. I just don’t want to see diapers at Pride. It’s inappropriate. It's not... normal."

Another member of the queer community agreed.

“No offense, but babies just aren’t really giving”.

While queer people see Pride month as a time to commemorate barely having the right to exist, some cis-hets with kids voice their opposition.

“Pride celebrations are just as much for us as they are for anyone else. What’s next? Banning cops at these events so that marginalized people feel safe?”

And so the war wages on: should we allow kink at Pride? Should cis-hets be allowed to procreate at all? We may never know.

This article is sponsored by Huggies: the diaper with the most yass for your baby’s ass!

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