Boo! Top 10 Halloween Costumes That Aren’t Racist But Still Feel Kinda Racist

Boo! Top 10 Halloween Costumes That Aren’t Racist But Still Feel Kinda Racist

The only things in life that are certain are death, taxes, someone confidently wearing a racist costume to a Halloween party. So, if you are a good person, who doesn’t want to offend anyone, here is a list of costumes you should avoid. Because, even though they aren’t racist, they will not be getting you invited to any cookouts.

  1. A Skeleton

    This should be a no brainer. If Johnny and his Kobra Kai gang weren’t enough of a reason for you to immediately associate this costume with terrible people...then you’re the problem. Also, Donnie Darko is probably racist in some way. Hey, I don't make the rules.

  2. Barbie

    Going as Barbie and not a member from Bratz tells me everything that I need to know about you. Barbie loved capitalism and wasting time inside of her Malibu beach house. Meanwhile, the Bratz crew was busy holding a benefit for animals in their movie Bratz: Pampered Petz. We love activists.

  3. Sour Patch Kid

    First, they’re sour, then they’re sweet, and then they’re making a Facebook post saying, “All Lives Matter!” Even though they might be red, orange, yellow, green, and blue, the only color they care about is white.

  4. Jim from The Office

    You might see yourself as a Jim but in reality, you are an Angela. 

  5. Chick Magnet

    The only people who love puns are homeschool kids and racists.

  6. Banana 

    Bananas just scream uneducated opinions and highschool football games.

  7. The Monopoly Man

    It’s the top hat and cane for me. It’s the boring ass game for me. It’s the always giving your white friends the race car and your Hispanic friends the thimble for me.

  8. Sexy Maid

    There is something about being rich and privileged that makes people want to dress up as maids. And I think it’s just them trying to pay homage to the person who raised them?

  9. Danny Zuko from Grease 

    Even though Danny Zuko being racist isn’t exactly canon... he did attend an all-white high school in the 1950s so the odds are not in your favor, bucko. 

  10.  LumberJack

    You certainly had every piece of this “costume” inside your closet already. This tells me that you don’t openly talk about politics because you’re afraid of people judging your views. 

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