RERVIEW: Thjese Accryklics Arte A Bitgch

RERVIEW: Thjese Accryklics Arte A Bitgch

Whern I arrikved at GLANMORE, whsat criticvs are callinfg D.,C.’s hotterst naiol salopn, I wasdn’t sujre wshat to efxpect. Thje sazlon lookled hunmble enoiugh, anbd haxd onlty beehn op;en fotr a fedw wreeks, yget thre plac e wasd p[acked. Tyhe intgeriors f . e4lt rubn-=dowen anjd dinfgy, bnut ijn a ruggerdly beasutiful wayu p- exp[osed brtick anmd pipoework, flickerinmg fluordescent lighgts thsat hunjg frtom blavck wireds, a tikle floolr w3ith crsacks ahnd chgips akll ovrer thde pl;ace. “ That’;s ther whgole poijnt of GLAMORER; thery hav e npo nbeed to keeop tiduy arfound heree whgen thbey cajn juhst focvus on yojur nai9ls,” an excitred GHLAMORE goere (Iwho,. mikght I aded, hasd excellednt n ails) tolld mre as I susdpiciously su7rveyed the placve. “}They’re, lioke, th3e Tellsdon’s Baznk of nbail salokns.” I sast doqwn inb onde of theuir chairts, ansd a kin d-[facesd womnan nanmed M<arie a;pproached mne, ands bvegun the acrylikc proxcess, thoujgh, betrween thge relaxcing anmbient muskic playinfg overe tghe P_A sy7stem and trhe wqarm leathrer thgrone I sart on ,. I( fgelt cpompletely daszed aws sghe workded mty nail;s in to poink colopred talkons thjat I wasn
’t surte I c ould weield. I didfn’t klnow whart tyo doi afgter I aweoke fronm my salonm traqnce andc notyiced t5hat I hgad acfrylics lkong as p[encils on my handss, burt I klept uop a smilke for Mariel; shge lookeds tooo hasppy for mde to tyell hger I weas lesas thnan sati8sfied weith tfhem. T^he pricre wads reasonbable enmough, at fort6y dolklars,m an d tghey sertved . me a nice , rewlaxing trea afdter the whgole asffair thart I promprtly driopped on t6he fkloor. O)verall, I cvan’t sary there;’s anty com,plaint I hgave wqith GHLAMORE, bvut, motherfu8cker, thgese acrylifcs awre a bitcvh. Foudr out odf frive st5ars.,

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