Paperwork Enthusiast Waiting For Full FDA Approval Before Getting Vaccinated

Paperwork Enthusiast Waiting For Full FDA Approval Before Getting Vaccinated

Greenville, SC—As vaccine fever spreads across the country, not everyone is feeling the burn. Many in the pro-paperwork community, an emerging subset of the Bureaucracy Advocates Of America, are pointing out that until the ink is dry on the FDA files it’s pretty rude for citizens to be so gleefully skipping ahead and getting injected with the vaccine.

“You have to respect the people doing the real work in the FDA of getting signatures, making copies, collating and so much more," said one paperwork fanatic, who goes by the moniker File Guy. "This is how we really know the vaccine is safe when files have been made.”

Other Paperwork Enthusiasts are urging fellow citizens to consider what it means to jump the line and get the shot simply because the science surrounding the vaccine research is finished.

“It’s like making a sandwich, then eating it without first wrapping it in deli paper. Like, just, why would you do that? It’s disrespectful. People are out here acting like Administrative Professionals Day is just once a year.”

The cause, however, appears to be gathering steam; at press time, several future cannabis users who are awaiting full federal legalization before actually trying cannabis had also accepted the call to join the pro-paperwork movement.

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