College Theatre Program Establishes Annual 'Negro Day' To Address Diversity Issues

College Theatre Program Establishes Annual 'Negro Day' To Address Diversity Issues

TUSCALOOSA, AL—The head of the theatre program at the University of Alabama, Todd Oliver Jackson Hollister II, announced a new black-student-only talent showcase called “Negro Day” to support the university’s plans to address the racial inequality problems within extracurricular programs.  

“We are all really excited to hear of this new initiative for the school’s theatre department," said a representative of the university. “We’re hoping that this allows for more of our Blacks to be able to creatively express themselves outside of class.” 

Hollister has established parameters that will cater specifically to Black students in the program.

“Just like the famed musical Hairspray suggests, I believe having a strictly-adhered-to time slot for our black students to shine is imperative to helping our program grow and thrive under these current political circumstances," said Hollister on the porch of his family's estate. "Even though I thought directing The Color Purple last semester against my will was good enough. Oh, well."

“Again, only Black students can participate," continued Hollister as he twisted his large mustache. "I even kicked out all the Mexicans during the meeting, because we only need to address one group, right? From now on, their hair can be as poofy, floofy, and... expressive as they want regardless of the role they get. I don’t care! I can’t say a damn thing! Literally, I’ve been legally advised not to!”

Some students were unsure of the message behind the showcase. 

“I get what he’s trying to do, but it just don’t sit right in my spirit," said senior theatre major Kendra Lawson.  

Others were completely in disbelief that this was approved by the university. 

“I’ve seen Hairspray multiple times and now whenever I watch it, it’s like getting war flashbacks,” said junior theatre major Rodney Denison. 

Hollister later said he will continue to help all students feel included in upcoming productions but he doesn’t understand why he even has to continue at all.

“I’ve put my heart and soul into this program and truly there’s nothing else that really needs to be done! I’ve fulfilled my duty as a human being, educator, and most importantly, an artist.” 

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