Kamala Harris & Nikki Haley Get Matching #browngirlmagic Tats, Still Vow To Drone Bomb Brown Countries

Kamala Harris & Nikki Haley Get Matching #browngirlmagic Tats, Still Vow To Drone Bomb Brown Countries

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Former Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, and recent Vice Presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, announced that they would both get matching tattoos with the phrase #browngirlmagic in an effort to prove their commitment to the South Asian Community. 

“Some people have asked if I will finally support Palestine or if I will start using my given name, Nimrata,” said Haley who made the announcement in an American flag turban, “but this tattoo will be a permanent reminder that I’m an ally even when I advocate for destroying Iran or decimating Syria.”

Harris, who has a history of prosecuting minorities, shared Haley’s sentiment.

“This tattoo will be a reminder to my family, friends, and myself that I am in fact South Asian. It’s going to be amazing when I sign my first orders to drone strike Pakistan and I just see #browngirlmagic on my wrist! Amazing how much Brown women can accomplish if they really believe in their ability to tactically and completely sell out.”

Both women have been praised for putting aside their partisan differences to come together for the South Asian community.

“It’s so amazing to see powerful Brown women coming together in such a meaningful way,” said 25-year-old Sarah Khan as she wiped a cascade of tears from her face. “When I saw their tattoo, I almost forgot about the sanctions, bombings, and prosecuting Black and Brown people unfairly. I love representation.”

“We've really bonded the past few weeks. In today's world, it's hard to bond with another South Asian Woman who brings up her heritage when it's politically beneficial and I am proud to call Kamala Devi Harris my bahan” said Haley, referring to Harris as ‘sister’ in Hindi.

In response, Harris began wrapping an NRA-themed Sari around her body because “it’s important that the American people continue to see how committed I am to my culture.”

In a joint statement, written in English, Punjabi, Arabic, and "jive talk," Haley and Harris stated their plans on setting up a charity for Brown Girls whose lives they will continue to destroy overseas. 

“These girls are brave, strong, and resilient! They’re helping us spread our democratic values overseas and we want to make sure they experience some of that Brown Girl Magic in the form of a better education. We're excited to set up schools and we have our fingers crossed that the schools won't be destroyed during our drone strikes! Too early to tell."

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