In Her Flop Era? This Woman Keeps Forgetting To Take Her Iron Pills

In Her Flop Era? This Woman Keeps Forgetting To Take Her Iron Pills

PHILADELPHIA, PA—After forgetting to take her iron pills consistently the last few months, local woman Sara Esfandi has recently started to raise questions among her inner circle about whether she is entering her flop era.

“This is embarrassing for us, frankly. She’s always complaining that she’s cold, and she keeps getting dizzy randomly. We’re worried that she’s entering her flop era, in all senses of the word,” explains Esfandi’s roommate, Rachel Bexley. “We want to support her during this time in her life, but, like, we can’t be there all the time in case she’s going to pass out. Also, we just don’t want to do that.”

When we asked Esfandi’s mother about her thoughts on the situation, she admitted that she was disappointed to hear that her daughter is—yet again—failing to take her iron pills and therefore probably flopping in taking care of herself at all. 

“This isn’t good. I’m worried she isn’t concerned with taking care of herself. She needs to eat more spinach,” Esfandi's mother reminded us. “I should schedule a doctor’s appointment and some lab work for the next time she visits…”

Esfandi, on the other hand, expressed that she doesn’t think it’s fair that this has been framed as her “flop era” when she is otherwise doing better than ever.

“It’s not even that bad,” she tried to convince us after having to sit back down on the couch because she was feeling light-headed. “Sure I 'passed out' and caused a 'scene' during a concert last weekend, but that was just because it was so packed and had nothing to do with my pathetic body. Nobody is paying attention to the fact that I had three tweets go viral last week. Does that sound like a flop era to you? Sorry, can you get me some water?”

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