BREAKING: Male Co-Worker Notices Haircut

BREAKING: Male Co-Worker Notices Haircut

STROUDSBURG, PA— A cis male is making waves this week at a nearby business. Zach Steyer, an IT specialist for an insurance agency, noticed his coworker’s subtle trim.

Paige Halvern says she walked into the office without expectations after having a few inches chopped off. 

“I really didn’t think anyone would know. My hair is still pretty long. Plus I work with a bunch of guys,” she explains.

To her surprise, Steyer—a man who wears the same blue Gap button-down every other day—looked up from his computer screen and asked, “You get a haircut?”

“I was so taken aback I could barely answer him,” admits Halvern. “It's just a subtle trim! No man cared when I got straight-across bangs during my Zooey Deschanel phase. It was a total crisis cut and no one gave a shit! And Zach the IT guy? Of all people? He usually just asks if I’ve turned my computer off and on again when I need help. I had no idea he was so in touch with the lives of women."

Halvern's colleague Lauren Doler witnessed the interaction and was also caught off guard. 

“My jaw dropped,” says Doler. "I share a desk with Paige and I didn’t even pick up on her hair. Zach is just… different. I wonder if he’s seeing anyone... or if he wants to shoot up the office one day."

It bears mentioning that Zach didn’t comment on how the hair looked. He simply mumbled the word “cool” and kept typing.

“I actually love that he didn’t give an unsolicited opinion,” says Paige. “I don’t need a man’s approval, and Zach totally gets that. He’s like the opposite of a mansplainer.”

Doler could not agree more.

“Maybe cis isn't sus,” she boldly claims as she scours Zach’s social media to see if he’s single or if he posts weird Nazi stuff, believing it must be either one or the other.

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