Petrified Man Receives Evening Text From Boss Reading Only '???'

Petrified Man Receives Evening Text From Boss Reading Only '???'

NASHVILLE, TN—Frantically scrolling up his phone in an effort to find any preceding text which would clue him into the current one, sources had reported that about three minutes ago petrified area man, Aaron Netherby, now sweating profusely, just received a text from his boss containing only three (3) question marks.

Our sources further confirmed that there was absolutely no text before this which would even constitute one extra question mark, let alone three.

“The last text I think I received was last night,” Netherby began, again scrolling to the previous day’s texts. “He writes, ‘LOL, okay, that sounds good’ to us going out after work tonight. And now just this,” continued the baffled Netherby, referring to the sole punctuation.

“I have no guess or clue as to what these are in reference to,” he added, now scrolling up even further in an even more desperate attempt to check the texts from two days ago, all to no avail. “Okay, okay… “ the now visibly shaking man uttered to himself, as confusion was giving way to low-key terror.

“If it gets bad enough, I’ll call. Which would be a last ditch effort, of course. No point for verbal interaction at this still-early stage.” No sooner had the words passed over Netherby’s lips than another text from his boss came in which simply read, ‘WOW.’

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