White Woman Quick To Tell Black Employee She Doesn't Act Black, Very Hesitant To Elaborate

White Woman Quick To Tell Black Employee She Doesn't Act Black, Very Hesitant To Elaborate

Sometimes the whites just can’t be helped.

Under the impression that telling a black person they “act white” is a high compliment, local white woman Jamie Davis shared just that with her black employee Aaliyah Adams during an important meeting. Curious to know what Davis meant, Adams gave a strained smile and asked Davis for specifics.

Davis danced around the question, visibly sweating before finally offering the vaguest of responses.

“You know... you just... aren’t like the other ones. Like, you’re black, obviously. But when I close my eyes you’re, like, basically white. And when you email, for example, it’s like I can’t even tell. Y’know? It’s not a big deal really. I hope I’m making sense.”

“You’re articulate,” added Davis.

Davis was later spotted cutting three Mexican women in line at a taco truck.

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