Is My Dog Racist?

Is My Dog Racist?

Hi, my dog may be racist but I can’t be so sure. Can you help me figure it out?

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Question #1: Is he barking at the neighbors A) cause he’s anxious, or B) cause he thinks they ruined the neighborhood?

Question #2: Does he refuse to get into the car A) because he’s afraid of the vet, or B) because I’m an Asian driver?

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Question #3: Is he licking his penis A) because he’s cleaning himself, or B) because he loves white power?

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Question #4: Is he begging A) for food, or B) for more funding for a higher wall?

Question #5: Does he pull on the leash A) because he’s uncomfortable with new surroundings, or B) because he’s uncomfortable in this kind of neighborhood?

Question #6: Is he vomiting A) because he’s sick, or B) because he’s sick of social justice warriors?

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Question #7: Does he chew on the furniture A) cause he’s teething, or B) cause he thinks it should have been made by white American labor?

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Question #8: Is he refusing to sit A) because he’s excited, or B) because he supports the troops, unlike some spoiled, overpaid ex-athletes?

If your answers were mostly B: Oh no, I’ve got a racist dog! Thanks y’all, now I gotta out him on social media so he can lose his job.

If your answers were mostly A: Whew, he’s a normal, non-racist dog! But maybe...I’m being reverse racist...

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